Who We Are
Founded in 1958, SOLT is a Catholic international missionary community serving in 8 countries throughout the world. We are teams of priests, consecrated brothers and sisters, and laity who serve the Church. We imitate Mary’s virtues and seek to enter into her intimacy with the Most Holy Trinity. We go where we are needed and serve in many capacities, including education, evangelization, pastoral, retreats, health care and drug rehabilitation.
Our Charism
Disciples of Jesus through Mary, living in Marian-Trinitarian communion, serving on ecclesial family teams in areas of deepest apostolic need.
Latest Posts
SOLT Family Mission Experience
We are excited to introduce the SOLT Family Mission Experience, a work of the SOLT Lay Association that continues our tradition of service and...Read more
From the Eternal City
The other day as I was walking to Vatican City, I passed a little boy, about 4 years old, and his mother. They were...Read more
Gathered in Communion
The Society of Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity (SOLT) convoked their eighth Ordinary General Chapter this past July at the Retreat and...Read more
Liturgy Preparation
3rd Sunday of Lent (Year C)
“In each Sunday Liturgy, especially in the Gospel, God gives you a mission, a work, for the coming week. He sends you forth to make it fruitful. The next Sunday you bring back to him and offer on the altar your work for the past week, and again he gives you a new mission for the coming week. In this way we live from Eucharist to Eucharist, from Communion to Communion.” - Fr. James Flanagan, SOLT Founder
The practice of liturgy prep was encouraged by our founder to prepare for the daily liturgy. This reflection and sharing can be done privately or as a small group, including your family.
Step 1: Read the readings for the Mass
Step 2: Reflect on the readings - What is God saying to us? How can we apply it in our lives? What are we going to do to make if fruitful for this week (the video can assist your personal reflection)?
Step 3: Share your reflection.