DISCIPLE Livestreamed Feb. 16th

join us disciple

SOLT is going live with DISCIPLE!
Join us as SOLT presents ten livestreamed talks. We will journey together deeper into the Catholic faith and our true call to be a disciple of Christ. 

DISCIPLE talks, rooted in Catholic teaching and Scripture, will guide you to a deeper understanding of your baptismal calling to live as a child of our Heavenly Father, as a brother or sister of Jesus Christ, and as a temple of the Holy Spirit.  

Live Program Begins February 16th!
Talks will be livestreamed HERE every Tuesday evening! We will be online to interact with you during the talks. We encourage you to gather your family, tell your friends, get involved ask questions. The talks will also be simulcast to the SOLT Facebook page.

Visit https://becomingmissionarydisciples.net/disciple for more information and to download your free resource to accompany the talks.

January 28, 2021 - 4:54pm

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