SOLT St. Ann's Summer Camp

SOLT St. Ann's Summer Camp

Are you ready for the summer of a lifetime?! This summer camp literally changes lives. Not only of the youth who attend our camp, but also the camp counselors who serve it! It is a fun summer you will not forget!  

SOLT St. Ann’s Summer Camp is a 3-week day camp from 9am-3pm with one week of training and a few days of debrief to process your experience and go deeper with your fellow camp counselors. St. Ann's Summer Camp serves the youth of the Turtle Mountain Indian Reservation in Belcourt, North Dakota. This summer camp is completely free for attendees so that families never have to be reluctant about sending their kids due to costs.

Kids will get the opportunity to get outside, get away from their phones and gaming devices, spend time in God's creation, get to make new friends, have lots of fun, and, most importantly, learn more about God! 

Activities include:

  • Daily Mass
  • Canoeing
  • Archery
  • Arts & Crafts
  • Water slide
  • Slime
  • Dodgeball
  • Sports Day
  • Laser tag
  • Catechesis
  • Adoration
  • Gaga Ball

Some kids will be very familiar with the faith through their time at St. Ann's Summer Camp or school, some kids will be learning for the first time about Jesus and about the Church. At St. Ann’s Summer Camp, you will have the opportunity to share the joy of the Gospel with the youth of the Turtle Mountains. And kids will teach you so much about God and life and the beauty of childlike faith.

You will pray, serve, and have community life with the local SOLT Ecclesial Family Team of priests and sisters. 

Each day for the camp counselors is structured in prayer with the Liturgy of the Hours, Daily Mass, and Daily Holy Hour. You will grow in your faith in amazing ways. In the evenings camp counselors can enjoy spending time by the lake, by the camp fire, or just telling stories about the day over dinner. 

Sign up for the adventure of a lifetime! You won't regret it!


Application Deadline:
March 1st, 2025

Service Length: 4 Weeks
May 24th: Arrival Day
May 26th-30th: Summer Camp Training Week
June 2nd-20th: St. Ann's Summer Camp 
June 20th-21st: Clean-Up Day
June 22nd-23rd: Rest Day and Silent Retreat
June 23rd: Departure Day 

Optional June 30th- July 4th: SOLT Regional Assembly in Corpus Christi, Texas

Location: Belcourt, North Dakota
We are located approximately 10 miles from the Canadian border on the Turtle Mountain Indian Reservation serving the Band of Chippewa/Ojibwe and Metis Indians.

You are responsible for your transportation to and from the mission. There is also a fundraising goal of $750 (a fundraising coach will be provided).