SOLT St. Ann's Summer Camp

SOLT St. Ann's Summer Camp

SOLT St. Ann’s Summer Camp is dedicated to the spiritual, intellectual, emotional, and physical formation of the youth of the Turtle Mountain Reservation. 

At St. Ann’s Summer Camp, you will have the opportunity to share the joy of the Gospel with the youth of the Turtle Mountains. You will pray, serve, and have community life with the local SOLT Ecclesial Family Team. You will see first-hand how the Holy Spirit forms the people and that is a testament of the deep Catholic roots of their combined heritage. 

Application Deadline:
February 1st, 2025

Service Length: 4 Weeks
May 26th: Arrival Day
May 26th-30th: Summer Camp Training Week
June 2nd-20th: St. Ann's Summer Camp 
June 20th-21st: Clean-Up Day
June 22nd-23rd: Rest Day and Silent Retreat
June 30th: SOLT Regional Assembly

Location: Belcourt, North Dakota
We are located approximately 10 miles from the Canadian border on the Turtle Mountain Indian Reservation serving the Band of Chippewa/Ojibwe and Metis Indians.

You are responsible for your transportation to and from the mission. There is also a fundraising goal of $750 (a fundraising coach will be provided).