The Society of Apostolic Life of the Sisters of Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity is a community of women who through the public profession of vows of chastity, poverty and obedience bind themselves to live a life in oneness with Christ as His consecrated spouses and to witness to the reality of Christ’s Church. We dedicate our entire lives to God, who is loved most of all, to fraternal life in community, to the building up of the Church and to bringing others into communion with the Most Holy Trinity.

The Sisters are to be constantly animated by the Gospel spirit, nourished by prayer and distinguished by generous mortification, perseverance in the practice of virtue and oneness with Christ in His Paschal Mystery. (cf. Evangelica Testificato, 41). Daily as a community, we participate in the holy sacrifice of the Mass, Eucharistic holy hour, the Liturgy of the Hours, the rosary, and meditation on the Word of God. We also have monthly days of recollection and an annual retreat. One of our unique spiritual practices is the Paschal Mystery Retreat where every Thursday through Sunday throughout the year, a sister is assigned to spiritually accompany Jesus in his passion, death and resurrection. It is a reminder that we are called to live in oneness with Christ and to offer ourselves in union with his sacrifice.

We are called to live fraternal life in community through graced friendships, striving for the perfection of charity. Our fraternal life has as its source and end the communion of the Trinity. It is nourished by our obedience in relationships with each other. Inspired by the spirt of Our Lady in the Holy Family, we seek to anticipate each other’s needs. We strive to foster mutual dialogue and feel privileged to serve each other with heartfelt love. Living together as Sisters, we seek to be united in heart and soul, give pride of place in esteem to each other and bear each other’s burdens.

SOLT was founded to be a missionary society. The Sisters are called to go out to the world and make disciples, to bring people into union with the Most Holy Trinity and with each other in the Church. Accordingly, the Sisters strive to be “afire with that same love with which Christ burned toward men” giving honor and glory to God “who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.” (cf. Ad Gentes 42 and 1Tim 2:4)
Apostolic and charitable activity is of the very nature of SOLT and therefore the entire life and activity of its members are imbued with an apostolic spirit. Service in areas of deepest apostolic need defines the fundamental character of the SOLT missionary vocation, therefore, we serve in a variety of apostolates with the vision of brining all peoples into communion with the Most Holy Trinity through discipleship of Jesus through Mary and the building up of the Church.
American Region Vocations
Sr. Mary Claire of the Holy Family Strasser, SOLT
Vocations Servant American Region
Initial Inquiry Form
Asia-Pacific Vocations
Sr. Mary Louise Granadillos, SOLT
Vocations Servant Asia-Pacific Region
[email protected]
Books by SOLT Sisters
by Sr. Miriam James Heidland
Let the Holy Family be your light through Advent as you receive the healing power of Christ. Behold features stunning original art by Josiah Henley of Heart of IESVS. Free weekly companion videos, a downloadable discussion guide, and other resources make this book perfect for parish-wide, individual, and book club use leading up to Christmas.
Ave Maria Press
by Sr. Miriam James Heidland
Your journey of healing with Sr. Miriam James Heidland, SOLT, begins on Ash Wednesday and focuses on your relationships with God, yourself, and others through the traditional Catholic practices of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving.
Ave Maria Press
Loved As I Am
by Sr. Miram James Heidland
When Sr. Miriam James Heidland’s life as a successful college athlete proved unfulfilling, she went searching for something deeper and ended up falling in love with Jesus. By charting her own journey toward wholeness, Heidland invites young Catholics to pursue their own relationship with Jesus.
Ave Maria Press
Gathering the Light
by Sr. Anne Marie Walsh
Gathering the Light is a collection of articles, reflections and poetry. Many of the articles have appeared in various Catholic publications. It is set up in such a way that it can be used for personal reflection, book studies and support groups.
Amazon Books
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The Sisters of the Society of Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity are expanding our presence at our international headquarters in Corpus Christi, Texas, while continuing to serve in areas of deepest apostolic need around the world. Building our future in Texas will enable us to provide necessary healthcare and much needed ADA compliant housing for our aging sisters.
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