The Clerical Society of Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity is constituted in the Church as a society of apostolic life of diocesan right and serves as an international missionary community of priests and brothers. Through the witness of the evangelical counsels, fraternal life marked by graced friendships, and ministry accomplished on ecclesial family teams in areas of deepest apostolic need, we are dedicated to the mission of bringing all people into communion with the Most Holy Trinity through discipleship of Jesus through Mary.

The spirituality of SOLT is distinctly Marian as each member strives to imitate our Blessed Mother Mary in her relationships with the persons of the Most Holy Trinity as the beloved daughter of the Father, mother and model disciple of the Son, and temple or spouse of the Holy Spirit (Lumen Gentium 53). Each member is called to imitate Mary, become like Jesus, and live for the Triune God.
Members seek Christ through frequent meditation on the Word of God, personal prayer and most especially in the celebration of the Sacred Liturgy. Devotion to Our Blessed Mother Mary is cultivated through the daily praying of the Rosary, Angelus and Magnificat, and by consecrating oneself to Jesus through Mary.

Members of SOLT are called to fraternal life in community striving for the perfection of charity, recognizing that each member is a gift to the other. Community life is a special gift and blessing to each member which assists in the perseverance in our vocation and benefits the success of our mission. Our fraternal life has its source and end in the love and communion of the Holy Trinity, as revealed in the life and teaching of our Lord Jesus Christ.

SOLT was founded as a missionary society. We are called to go out to the world and make disciples of Jesus through Mary and to bring all people into union with the Most Holy Trinity and with each other in the Church. Apostolic and charitable activity is of the very nature of the life of SOLT and therefore the entire life and activity of its members is imbued with an apostolic spirit.
The preference of SOLT is to minister in those places that are less well served and among those people that are in greater need, especially those who are impoverished in any way.
American Region Vocations
Vocations Director
Fr. Dave Brokke, SOLT
[email protected]
Asia-Pacific Vocations
Vocations Director
Fr. James Castillo, SOLT
[email protected]