The vocation to the Lay Association is a special calling that gives form and direction to the life and apostolic activity of its members. The Lay Association aids its members to live their proper ecclesial vocation. By living and witnessing the SOLT spirituality and charism in their everyday lives in the world, the members of the Lay Association are assisted in their striving for holiness.
Members are encouraged to live a life that may be described as contemplative-active, that is, their apostolic life flows from a life of prayer and contemplation. Members of the Lay Association take Mary as their founding model and patroness as she leads all to her Son, Jesus Christ and through Him to communion with the Most Holy Trinity. Members call upon her from their hearts to lead, inspire, and help them in all their works and necessities. This Marian-Trinitarian spirituality animates every dimension of a SOLT lay member’s life--home, team, parish, and work.
The love between Christians in community serves as an earthly reminder of the ultimate communion of the three Divine Persons of the Most Holy Trinity. The members of the Lay Association are called to live and foster community in a variety of settings: with their families, on ecclesial family teams, in the Lay Association itself, in places of work, in society, etc.
The members of the Lay Association are called to go out to the world and make disciples of Jesus through Mary and to bring people into union with the Most Holy Trinity and with each other in the Church. Apostolic and charitable activity is of the very nature of SOLT way of life and therefore the entire life and activity of its members are imbued with an apostolic spirit. Members of the Lay Association exercise their apostolate by their witness of living in conformity with the Gospel, in and through their natural families, by supporting one another and promoting the works of SOLT, serving on ecclesial family teams, by leavening the temporal order, and through participating actively in the local and universal Churches.
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