Gray Robes Magazine
Blessings from Detroit!
This is Fr. Jeremy Davis, S.O.L.T. writing to you. I was appointed as the new Juniorate Servant as of August 2024. These past months have been a bit of a rollercoaster, but the Lord has been generous with me; the brothers in the house have been patient with me.
I would like to thank Fr. Mark Wendling, S.O.L.T. for his eleven years of dedicated service in this position; he has been a close friend, mentor, spiritual father and older brother to me since I met him upon my graduation from college when I served as a S.O.L.T. Missionary Volunteer in our Benque Viejo del Carmen Mission.
It is humbling to follow such a talented priest and to be entrusted with such an important mission. Asking for wisdom in this role seems like the appropriate default position. However, I’ve done that before and it turned out differently than I expected.
During my own formation, I asked the Lord for wisdom, for the words to reach one of my brothers. I was given no words and no wisdom. However, I did feel the Lord working in my heart. He had given me an authentic concern for and interest in my brother.
In this role, I am like all other mentors and spiritual fathers, beset with frailties and weaknesses. But this human condition offers opportunities for forgiveness and joy. In this house, with these brothers, these qualities come easily and as often as necessary. Please pray that we become true brothers, capable of forgiving seventy-seven times (cf. Mt. 18:22) and being faithful to the One who looks at us in love and asks to leave everything for him (cf. Mk. 10:21).
We are so grateful for your friendship and generosity, and we look forward to inviting you into our lives! You remain in our prayers.
In Christ,
Fr. Jeremy Davis, SOLT
Juniorate Servant