Name: Fr. Mark
Hometown: Burlington, Ontario, Canada
Where you live/serve now: Detroit, Michigan
Occupation/Assignment: Juniorate Servant (Formation)
What I am anticipating to receive from this experience: I'm anticipating reconnecting with the Belizean people whom I served for 10 years, as well as delighting in the discovery by our participants of the joy of service and encounter with God's people.
What I am most excited about: I'm excited to witness the growth of the young people on this trip, the bonding as a group together, and the friendships that will be formed.
Name: Sr. Mary Bridget
Hometown: Covington, GA
Where you live/serve now: SOLT Sisters' Novitiate, Robstown, TX
Occupation/Assignment: I am a novice in the SOLT community.
What I am anticipating to receive from this experience: I think that God is going to surprise me!
What I am most excited about: I'm excited because I am going to be outside of my comfort zone, which is where I have always experienced God's Goodness and Providence most radically. I am excited to travel, pray, and serve with other young people who love God! Finally, I have never been to our mission in Belize, so I am very excited to finally see it and meet the people there.
Name: Sr. Mary Elizabeth, SOLT
Hometown: Silver Lake, KS
Where you live/serve now: Corpus Christi, TX
Occupation/Assignment: SOLT Sisters' Vocations Servant
What I am anticipating to receive from this experience: I discerned my vocation to consecrated life in Belize, so it will always have a very special place in my heart. I anticipate an adventure of sharing life with the missionaries and the beautiful people of Belize, and being open to whatever the Lord desires to reveal to us!
What I am most excited about: I'm excited to experience the gift that being "all in" and giving oneself away in love opens up for everyone on the trip and our friends from Belize who serve with us. Also...that first lime juice :)
Name: Br. Joseph Spears, SOLT
Hometown: Bowling Green, KY
Where you live/serve now: Detroit, MI
Occupation/Assignment: Seminarian
What I am anticipating to receive from this experience: I am hoping to receive a greater docility to the Holy Spirit while serving.
What I am most excited about: I'm excited to serve with the rest of the team.
Name: Lucia
Hometown: Guatemala
Where you live/serve now: Montana
Occupation/Assignment: Architect / Graphic Designer / Design Program Manager
What I am anticipating to receive from this experience: Grace and a sense of direction on where to go next
What I am most excited about: Being able to serve the people who need it the most, all while being surrounded by beauty and community. Looking forward to all the prayer time as well!
Name: Brenton
Hometown: Joliet, MT
Where you live/serve now: Montana
Occupation/Assignment: HVAC Business Owner
What I am anticipating to receive from this experience: More love for neighbor, and God's grace.
What I am most excited about: The trip filled with prayer, service, and reflection and discernment outside the distractions of the normal daily grind. Also getting outside of my personal comfort zone to try and enter into a deeper conversation with God about discerning my path forward with my wife as we prepare to do God's will at home.
Name: Karina
Hometown: Waco, Texas
School: Baylor University
Major: Business and Apparel Merchandising
How I found out about the trip: At Seek 2022 conference in Dallas!! I spoke with some of the SOLT sisters and was so excited!
What I am anticipating to receive from this experience: I’m excited to deepen in my faith and serve others through His love and grace! I can’t wait to meet the fellow missionaries and bond through this experience! It's been a gift and blessing to be a part of this, and I just hope I can share this joy with others :)
What I am most excited about: Im really looking forward to meeting the children in the community and school!! I love being around kids and sharing their simplicity and joy! Spreading Christ’s love and kindness with them is all I want! I'm also looking forward to serving in group activities and community outreach! I’m pumped to meeting everyone else on the mission trip and making friends :) God is so good and I’m just so grateful for this opportunity!
Name: Patricia
Hometown: Fort Walton Beach, FL
School: University of Florida
Major: Microbiology
How I found out about the trip: I found out about this trip when I was looking into SOLT online. I was interested in their order and I thought that it would be a great way to be submerged in their lifestyle, meet others, and do mission. I also met Sr. Caritas at SEEK Miami when I was in the process of applying which convinced me even more to sign up.
What I am anticipating to receive from this experience: I honestly have no idea what to expect, I want to be open to receiving whatever the Lord wants for me. This is a very new experience for me and I anticipate that the Lord will surprise me, fill me, and bring me lots of joy.
What I am most excited about: I am very excited to meet new people and serve the Lord together in a new way. I think that this is one of the craziest things I've ever signed up for. I've never really travelled outside of the country, but I've always wanted to, and I've always wanted to do mission work. It will definitely be a new experience for me to hop on a plane by myself, fly to another country, and be immersed in a group of people who I've never met, but who are all on fire on the Lord. I'm really looking forward to this trip and to be pushed out of my comfort zone and deepen my relationship with the Lord.
Name: Colleen
Hometown: Warrenton, Virginia
School: Christendom College
Major: History
How I found out about the trip: Instagram and visiting brother
What I am anticipating to receive from this experience: I hope to receive clarity in what I already believe is my vocation and to develop an even deeper relationship of love with our Lord through serving my fellow brothers and sisters.
What I am most excited about: I am most excited about being with my fellow missionaries and not only growing but serving with them! I also cannot wait to begin to develop relationships with the people I will be serving especially the children.
Name: Courtney
Hometown: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
School: Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Major: Biology Pre-Med
How I found out about the trip: Vocations fair at Franciscan University
What I am anticipating to receive from this experience: I hope to receive clarity about if The Lord is calling me to join the SOLT community to discern my vocation. I also anticipate that my heart will grow in love for the people that I will have the privilege of serving.
What I am most excited about: I am most excited about the opportunity to be free to serve wherever there is a need and to pray with the SOLT community in Belize!
Name: John
Hometown: Manitowoc
School: Lake Shore Technical College
Major: Dairy Herd Management
How I found out about the trip: Through my friend Kateri Yank.
What I am anticipating to receive from this experience: I am anticipating to experience different life styles to broaden my range of self knowledge.
What I am most excited about: I am most excited about bring the presence of the Lord to others while experiencing a new country!
Name: Teresa
Hometown: Front Royal
School: Christendom College
Major: Nursing
How I found out about the trip: A friend of mine told me about when she began looking into going herself.
What I am anticipating to receive from this experience: I hope I will gain a greater appreciation for the reach of God's love to every corner of the earth. I also hope to grow in humility and open myself to the call to evangelization set on every human heart, so that when I return I will continue to be a missionary wherever I go.
What I am most excited about: Seeing a completely different country and people and being able to meet the other missionaries.
Name: Eliza
Hometown: Lubbock, Texas
School: St. Mary's University
Major: Exercise and Sports Science
How I found out about the trip: Through family!
What I am anticipating to receive from this experience: What I am anticipating to receive from this experience is a super cool opportunity where I can be Jesus's hands and feet for those I can serve. I am also looking forward to enjoying the beautiful Benque Viejo and all of the people in it!
What I am most excited about: I am probably most excited for meeting new people and experiencing a new culture. I also cannot wait to see what God has in store for me on this mission trip!
Name: Maximilian
Hometown: Killingworth
School: Uconn
Major: Computer Science
How I found out about the trip: Family members who previously attended
What I am anticipating to receive from this experience: I hope to grow closer to God as well as kinda escape some of the pressure inherent in graduating school. I also hope the experience gives me a better perspective on my own situation and that of others.
What I am most excited about: I am really looking forward to working with the students there as I have always enjoyed teaching. I am also excited about snorkeling.
Name: Charlie
Hometown: Overland Park
School: Pittsburg State University
Major: Exercise Science
How I found out about the trip: SOLT Sisters
What I am anticipating to receive from this experience: Help others who are less fortunate than myself and strengthening my relationship with Christ.
What I am most excited about: Helping out at the school
Name: Joseph
Hometown: Bloomfield Hills, MI
School: University of Michigan/Oakland University
Major: Pipe Organ Performance/Accounting
How I found out about the trip: Through a friend who had been on the trip many times, Fr. Mark Wendling
What I am anticipating to receive from this experience: I am anticipating to connect with people that I am serving with and those I am serving. I also hope to grow my relationship with Christ through service.
What I am most excited about: I am excited to get to know all of the people I am going to meet!! And build houses:)
Name: Olivia
Hometown: Bloomfield
School: Marian
Major: NA
How I found out about the trip: Fr. Mark
What I am anticipating to receive from this experience: I am anticipating to experiencing something new and beneficial to me and my faith, and also gain a closer relationship with God and better understanding of myself.
What I am most excited about: Meeting the people in Belize and the people I will be going on this mission with!
Name: Esmeralda
Hometown: Detroit, MI
School: University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Major: Architecture
How I found out about the trip: I am a parishioner of Holy Redeemer in Detroit, so I learned about the Belize mission trip through the brothers, sisters, and priests there.
What I am anticipating to receive from this experience: I hope to be able to serve a community alongside God-loving men and women. Overall I hope to deepen my relationship with Christ through community life, service, and prayer.
What I am most excited about: I'm really excited to get away from school and just dedicate time to give while also receive through prayer. I'm also really excited to meet all the missionaries and the community there! But I also am very, very excited to see Father Beau!!
Name: John
Hometown: Boulder, Colorado
School: University Of Colorado - Boulder
Major: Accounting
How I found out about the trip: I felt like i have been called back to Belize for the past two years. I was just looking through the SOLT website and found this opportunity!
What I am anticipating to receive from this experience: I am honestly just ready to receive all of the graces that the Lord will bestow on me during this experience. I am just going with an open heart and a willingness to go where the Holy Spirit leads me!
What I am most excited about: I am most excited to be back in Belize but to also see some friends that I made during my first trip there.
Name: Emma
Hometown: Longmont
School: University of Washington
Major: Speech Pathology
How I found out about the trip: Sister Mary Elizabeth
What I am anticipating to receive from this experience: Openness to the Holy Spirit
What I am most excited about: I am excited to visit SOLT's missions in Belize and encounter the Lord through everyone in SOLT as well as the people in Belize.