St. Paul tells us in Philippians 4:4 to “Rejoice in the Lord always!” I find this is easy to do at Our Lady of Corpus Christi (OLCC). OLCC has been described as a place of silence, prayer and peace, but joy could easily be added to this tagline. Joy is a fruit of the Holy Spirit, and you can definitely see the Holy Spirit at work here!
I am the event coordinator for OLCC. We have around thirty diocesan and ecumenical group retreats a year that use our facilities to encounter the Lord at work. We also offer retreats led by SOLT members, who encourage the retreatants to “imitate Mary, become like Jesus and live for the Triune God.” Of course, our perpetual adoration chapel is the foundation of the mission of OLCC. We also host weekly novenas, confessions, and daily Mass. We offer monthly St. Peregrine Masses and quarterly global living rosaries. Once a month, a young Catholic adult group (YCA) can be found on campus for Grounded in Truth. It’s beautiful to see them meet the Lord in adoration, confession and praise and worship, and then have fellowship with one another afterward in the café. Our 7:30am Mass is broadcast on Guadalupe Radio Network, which has led to an invitation for
Fr. Sam Medley to host a daily radio show during the Divine Mercy hour entitled “A Life Lived Joyfully.”
What gives me the most joy is to be able to serve as an ecclesial family team here. A particular joy for me has been to be able to serve as a liaison between friends of OLCC and the SOLT community. Our priests are always willing to hear confessions for the parish retreats. OLCC leadership has contributed different gifts over the years. Fr. Dan repaired buildings and fixed plumbing and Fr. Sam updated technology throughout the campus, while maintaining their priestly duties and running the OLCC campus. God provides exactly what we need at the right time. Our sisters portray Our Lady’s peace on campus while also serving in bookkeeping, at the bookstore, leading retreats and providing spiritual direction. Our brothers and deacons assist at Mass, take care of our suffering servants when they are sick, have administrative duties, and serve where needed. Our SOLT laity, including my husband Joseph, provide counseling, serve in the bookstore, cook meals, and serve at the retreats in many ways from giving talks to housekeeping. In these ways, our ecclesial family team lives out the SOLT vision, mission and charism.
God knew I needed joy so He brought me to OLCC in 2010. At night, when I am preparing for a retreat or an event, I sometimes walk in the rosary garden and marvel at all God has done here, both for me and the countless people who have attended Mass, retreats, adoration, special events, or just happened by because they, too, needed to “rejoice in the Lord.”
Mona Lisa Biberstein serves as the event coordinator of Our Lady of Corpus Christi, where she has worked since 2010. She and her husband, Joseph, have been members of the Society of Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity since 2000. They have four children and four grandchildren.