Discernment Retreat 2025
Nov 6th-10th, 2025
Corpus Christi, TX
Are you or someone you know discerning religious life? Not sure where to begin? Do you wish you knew a little bit more about the overall goal of consecrated life or the practicals of discernment before beginning to plan an intentional visit with a community? Would you like to meet other men and women who are in a similar boat? Would you like to set some time apart to begin to pray about if God could be calling you? If you answered yes to any of the questions above, then this retreat is for you! This retreat is for both men and women (ages 18-30).
It will be held at
Our Lady of Corpus Christi Retreat Center
1200 Lantana St.
Corpus Christi, Texas 78407
The retreat will have a balance of prayer, talks, silence, small groups, and recreation. The cost is $350 per person. Please apply below.
Retreat Schedule
Registration 12pm-4pm
Please Arrive before 4pm.
5pm Travellers Mass
5:45 Vespers (Evening Prayer)
6pm Dinner
7pm Introductions/ How to Enter In to this Retreat
8pm Adoration/P&W
9pm Social
10pm Quiet Hours
7am Lauds (Morning Prayer)
7:30 Mass
8:15 breakfast
9am Talk- Universal call to Holiness
10-12 prayer time
12- Daytime prayer/lunch in silence
1pm Talk “Prayer and Relationship with God”
3:30pm Principles of Discernment
5:00 Small Groups
6pm Vespers (Evening Prayer)
6:30 pm Dinner
Social: Shoreline
10pm Quiet Hours
7am Lauds (Morning Prayer)
7:30 Mass
8:15 breakfast
9am Talk-History of Consecrated Life
10-12 prayer time
12- Daytime prayer/lunch in silence
1pm Talk Chastity for Men
Talk Chastity for Women
3:30 pm Talk Poverty
5:00 Small Groups
6pm Vespers (Evening Prayer)
6:30 pm Dinner
Social: Game Night
10pm Office of Readings and beginning of all night Vigil
7am Lauds (Morning Prayer)
7:30 Mass
8:15 breakfast
9am Talk-Obedience
11am Optional Talk on SOLT
10-12 prayer time
12- Daytime prayer/lunch in silence
1pm Talk Community Life
3:30 pm Talk How to discern at home
5:00 Small
6pm Vespers (Evening Prayer)
6:30 pm Dinner
Social: bonfire on the beach
7am (Lauds) Morning prayer
7:30 Mass
Participants may depart at any point on this day. If your flight leaves too early for a 7am Mass, another earlier Mass can be scheduled upon request.