The Mission
The SOLT Mission in Detroit consists of three parishes: St. Cunegunda Church, where the Sisters have their house of formation, St. Gabriel's Catholic Church, where the SOLT Missionary Volunteers reside, and Holy Redeemer Church, where the priests and sisters reside. Holy Reedemer Catholic School serves students K-8, and is affliated with Holy Reedemer Catholic Church.
SOLT Missionary volunteers primarily serve at Holy Redeemer Catholic School. There are also opportunites to serve in the parishes.
Prayer Life
There is an active prayer life at the mission. Holy Reedemer Caholic Church is a large parish and hosts many activities and prayer groups in both Spanish and English. In addition to the parish life, the SOLT Community also has it's own prayer life including: Daily Adoration, Liturgy of the Hours and opportuniites to pray and grow spiritually as a team. Missionary volunteers are encouraged to grow in holiness and highly encourage the regular reception of the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Holy Communion.
A few key opportunities for the missionary volunteer are: Daily Mass, Morning Prayer, and Eucharistic Adoration (which can encompass the rosary or another devotional). As one grows in holiness, that growth edifies those we share community with and those we serve.