A Word of Thanks

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It is with great gratitude and a heart full of thanksgiving that I conclude ten years of service as the General Sister Servant. God has led our community along the narrow path, providentially providing for all our needs. He blessed us with the leadership of Most Reverend Michael Mulvey, protector Bishop of the greater SOLT family and Fr. Phillip Brown, P.S.S., our Religious Assistant. I am grateful for the tremendous support they both have provided.  Our finance council and development advisory board have all generously shared their expertise and time over and over again. Our friends and benefactors are the best in the world!  Thanks for helping make the dream of a Motherhouse come true.  What a privilege it has been to serve alongside Fr. Peter Marsalek, General Priest Servant, as well as with both Fr. Dan Estes and Rosalie Buergler, General Lay Servants.  It has been a singular honor to serve the Sisters. Their beautiful witness as consecrated spouses of Christ and evangelical zeal have been an inspiration and consolation. Many, many thanks to all of you who have made it an incredible journey. May God reward you!

- Sr. Megan Mary Thibodeau

According to the SOLT Sisters Constitution, the General Sister Servant has a two-term limit on her position.  As such, this coming July 27 will mark the end of the ten-year tenure of Sr. Megan Mary Thibodeau serving as the General Sister Servant.  Having worked closely with Sr. Megan over the past ten years, I can attest personally to the graceful, wise, dedicated, patient, and charitable manner in which she has diligently carried out her office.  Following her term of office, Sr. Megan will begin a five-year assignment working in the Vatican Secretary of State in Rome as a translator and correspondent of the Vatican on behalf of the Holy Father, Pope Francis.  On behalf of all of the SOLT community - priests, brothers, sisters and lay, we thank Sr. Megan for her dedicated service to SOLT and are very grateful and proud for her next appointment! Please pray for Sr. Megan as she embarks on this new assignment.  

- Fr. Peter Marsalek

June 30, 2023 - 10:55am

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