"How He Thirsts For Our Souls!"

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I have no words to describe my immense gratitude for the opportunity to be a part of the SOLT Belize Mission Trip 2022. It changed so many lives, especially mine. One moment in particular represents the impact of this experience. It was the final night of the three-day youth retreat we led, a night dedicated to the Holy Spirit. We sat on a grassy field that night and prayed for each person’s special intentions; it was so touching to see the rawness and vulnerability of these teenagers sharing their hearts. Finally, one of the girls in my group asked to pray for me. Deep in my heart, I was longing for peace and clarity with my discernment, and I asked her to pray for that intention. As she began to pray one of the most beautiful prayers I’ve heard, it was then when it all made sense - to what excess has he loved us! To what excess has he pursued our hearts tirelessly! How he thirsts for our souls! His love, his heart, he himself is worth everything. And there began the greatest gift I took away from this mission trip: I realized how much I desire to give of myself entirely to him, to be totally his. He moved forward my, and many others’, discernment through this mission experience, something for which I will be forever grateful.


Help Continue the Mission

The SOLT Missionary Volunteer Program is flourishing, growing every year, and producing beautiful fruits in the lives of young adults. We at SOLT are grateful to God for these gifts. We seek to invite others to share in this work of the Holy Spirit. There are those who “give by going” and those who “go by giving”.  Would you be willing to be a mission partner with the SOLT Missionary Volunteer Program, to go on mission by giving? In doing so, you help expand the reach of these mission opportunities.

Please consider making a tax-deductible donation via SOLT.net/donate, with “SMV Program” in the memo. Your donation will greatly bless this program through the numerous young adults serving in mission!

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August 25, 2022 - 6:24pm

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