St. Ann's Summer Camp

belcourt summer camp

The SOLT St. Ann’s Summer Camp consisted of a two-week summer camp for 90 children, 1st -12th grade, of the Turtle Mountain Indian Reservation. I was a counselor for the 6-8th grade group. Each day we opened with camp songs and prayer. The groups rotated through archery, canoeing, arts and crafts, big groups games, and teaching. In addition, we attended daily mass as a camp, which was a beautiful experience to see the youth at mass. One of my campers, who was not baptized, asked me every day if he could receive his first communion. This boy had a love and desire for Christ that was touching.

Each day we had time to teach the children about the Gospel: how the Father created us for relationship with him and how he sent his son to save us and restore our relationship with him. They also learned about the sacraments and how this enables them to live in relationship with Christ. The campers were all such special and beautiful children. Their joy and care for each other were inspiring!

Community Living

One of the most fruitful parts of mission was living in community. As a group of about 35 people, we ate meals together, prayed together, and relaxed together. It was a blessing to see Christ in the other missionaries through their virtues, humor, prayer, and joy. I think the month on mission was the most fun I have had in my entire life! It was beautiful being able to enjoy each one’s company and cultivate friendships with like-minded, holy people. The Lord created us for community. He desires for us to get to know him in a deeper way through the people he places in our lives. This was very true of my experience, and I feel especially blessed to have been able to share all of this with my sister Emily.


Help Continue the Mission

The SOLT Missionary Volunteer Program is flourishing, growing every year, and producing beautiful fruits in the lives of young adults. We at SOLT are grateful to God for these gifts. We seek to invite others to share in this work of the Holy Spirit. There are those who “give by going” and those who “go by giving”.  Would you be willing to be a mission partner with the SOLT Missionary Volunteer Program, to go on mission by giving? In doing so, you help expand the reach of these mission opportunities.

Please consider making a tax-deductible donation via, with “SMV Program” in the memo. Your donation will greatly bless this program through the numerous young adults serving in mission.


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August 25, 2022 - 6:19pm

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