Join Fr. Eduardo Montemayor, SOLT, December 5th -10th, 2019 for a unique 5-day Pilgrimage to the BASILICA of the NATIONAL SHRINE of the IMMACULATE CONCEPTION and other great sites in the Washington DC area.
Next Dec. 8th, you can have the opportunity to consecrate yourself to Our Lady at the National Shrine, as well as visit: The first Cathedral built in the USA in Baltimore, the Shrine of St Elizabeth Anne Seton in Emmitsburg, the St John Paul II national shrine, the Franciscan Monastery of the Holy Land, the brand new Museum of the Bible, the Holocaust Museum, the US Capital Building, and much more.
Prayerfully consider if the Lord and Our Lady are calling you on this journey.
To learn more visit: www.pilgrimages.com/mariantravel/usa/
June 29, 2019 - 10:37am