At one of the Assembly talent shows the group from the Philippines sang a song “I have found a treasure”. The joy and beautiful smiles on their faces left a lasting impression on me. It also sparked my interest in finding our more about this “treasure’ that brought such joy to their lives. Scripture in Matt 6:21 says “For where your treasure is, there also will your heart be”
I first started thinking that the treasure was just being a member of SOLT because at that time I was what was referred to as a corporate member. However since becoming a Definitive member of SOLT, I realize that one of the biggest treasurers of SOLT are the Ecclesial Family Teams. I wanted to learn more about the Ecclesial Family Teams so I started with my Kansas City Team.
I informally interviewed team members to see how they viewed being a part of a team and how they contributed. There seemed to be many ways of serving on the team. Some members provided transportation and made airport runs when needed. Some contribute by being present at events and serving the needs of the Team leader. One member said they help out when they see a need be in on a house, the Montessori school or a team member’s personal need. Some members mentioned that they don’t want to get out a night so being able to zoom now during the pandemic has increased their participation. Some members mentioned that they haven’t been able to do much but would like to be more involved. One member said they pray for the team. One couple has actually purchased a house near the team so they could be closer and participate more. I see that there are myriad of ways to serve. With me I feel that I have been able to serve our team through my pen or by correspondence. I take minutes for our team meetings and also record the minutes of the Board meetings for the Montessori school. I often send cards and do follow-up e-mails, texts, and phone calls to facilitate communication and connectedness. Service takes may forms and nothing seems to be too big or too small.
Fr. Dan Estes in giving a retreat has told us that all relationships begin and end with good communication. I also found that serving brings about better communication. I have observed that our team relationships seem to be strengthen when we have a common goal. We have worked together to clean houses, peel off old wall paper, and paint. We participate in novenas and community masses. We have identified that our charism for our Kansas City team is to serve families so we are pulling together as a team to invite families to the convent on the 1st Saturday for Liturgy Prep for the Sunday readings. We start with mass then have refreshments and do the Liturgy Prep. This is a way for SOLT to become more visible and become more acquainted with the vision of Fr. Flanagan for SOLT and the Ecclesial Family Teams.
There are many ways that being a part of a team has helped me become a better disciple. It has helped me grow and do things that I had never done before like to love deeper, and through graced friendship be able to relate to others that I never would have before. I have also grown by having more opportunities to be flexible and spontaneous when plans change and learning to accept and forgive more quickly. I have often heard Fr. Flanagan say that you better learn to get along here on earth because in heaven we will all be one big family. It is through my involvement with the team I have started to uncover the hidden “treasure. It is the Ecclesial Family Teams. Through this I can better imitate Mary, become like Jesus and live for the Triune God.